Zoë and her TV obsession
I speak to you this morning through puffy eyes, caused by the finale of Lost. I have ridden this show to the bitter end and have found that though it has been deeply frustrating, to the point of me “quitting” it a number of times, I have always been drawn back by its siren’s call.A new TV show that you get obsessed with is like that. And when it is over, there is a void and an emptiness that we here at Reckless understand. I often have customers drag their feet watching the end of a show because they don’t know what to watch next. So here is a list of TV that may help fill the void.
If you loved The Sopranos:
The Wire: Cops, good and bad, situations morally ambiguous and clear cut, excellent acting and some “I really should not be laughing/enjoying this as much as I am”moments that make you wish this 5 season show will never end.
Sons of Anarchy: Bad guys that you will love. Like The Sopranos, a world that most of us don’t live in, but the issues are the same as our every day issues, (except most of us don’t shoot the annoying neighbor, and then hide their body in an arson job). The characters are rich and a deep, and the Lady MacBeth-ness of Katy Segal makes me giggle with glee.
Breaking Bad: More bad guys, this time a cuddly science teach and a meth dealer. This is one of those shows that you just have to see to believe. The morality is stretched, the characters are gray, the violence is terrible and feels justified at the same time. And often after an episode you feel the jones to shoot up again and watch another episode….
Rome: The saddest part of this show is that it is only two seasons. The best part is that the relationship between the two main characters as set against the backdrop of Caesar’s Rome is the stuff that make you actually wish you had paid better attention in history class. Also violent, gritty, and if your TV had smell-o-vision you would wish the streets had better aqueducts. But a wonderful show that I was totally addicted to.
Slings and Arrows: Canadian Show about a Shakespearean Theatre Company. Sounds kinda dull? Not when the story lines actually mimic the plays that are being presented that season. The cast of characters and the actors that appear are full and vibrant and wonderful. I actually have two sets of the show available; because there is no way you can wait for a disc on this one…If you loved the X-files:
Doctor Who: The original BBC series has been re-imagined and re-booted with a new Doctor (or at this point 3). The effects are still old school in many ways, and you do not need to be familiar with the old show to get excited by this show. Trust me, once you get into this world you will be addicted.
Fringe: The first season was very entertaining, and the chemistry is lovely. I especially love Walter, the crazy scientist. The stories do a lot of what I loved about the X-files,they show incredible situations that reflect what is happening in our world, as well as weaving all the characters together in interesting mosaic of the real and unreal.
Battlestar Galactica: Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you know what a sensation this politically based space opera has caused. This is a show that will gripe you from the beginning and wring a tear form you more often than not. Worth all 5 seasons. ..
Farscape: Yes, it has a Muppet or two. Yes, it is another space story. Yes, it is once again the rag tag crew on board a living ship. But this strange at times, Australian shot show, has the best of all TV elements, Interesting stories that reflect our lives today, relationships that grow and change and that you become totally invested in, and just enough fluff to make it very entertaining Television.If you loved Seinfeld:
Arrested Development: This is the Number ONE pick of Reckless employees and customers. This totally off center sitcom makes you wonder “WHAT were they thinking canceling this show?” It is not something you can explain, you have to experience it.
Spaced: The team of Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright (Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead) developed this two season wonder (only14 episodes) as a love letter to all things geeky and nerdy. The two twenty-somethings living in a rented flat and their friends is a tried and true recipe for a sit-com, but you will never see one as quirky and entertaining as this. Don’t miss watching the whole season with an “homage-o-meter”, that is part of the extra features, and the commentary tracks by the likes of Kevin Smith, will make repeated viewings a delight.
Black Books: Dylan Moran is that strange Irish comedian that you see in all sorts of cameo roles (he is the book thief in Notting Hill). But when he plays Bernard Black the curmudgeonly book shop owner in Black Books, you will see why he should be a house hold name. The show revolves around a tiny shop, and the three friends (including Simon Pegg in a cameo). British humor that sprouted from Fawlty Towers with a pinch of AbFab for sauciness.
Titus: A short run TV show starring comedian Christopher Titus, was one of the first shows on TV to portray a truly truly dysfunctional family. You can see how it roots in Norman Leer, (All in the Family) and how Malcolm in the Middle and Arrested Development will follow. It is a strange show that made me love Stacey Keach.If you loved Simpsons / Family Guy / South Park:
Venture Brothers: This is a twisted riff on Johnny Quest. AREALLY twisted riff, and with the voice talent of Patrick Warburton (the live action Tick, also worth watching.) as the killer bodyguard, and a Public Service Announcement on “Testicular Torsion”, it boldly goes to levels that South Park would make crasser and Metalocalypse would make more Metal….and speaking of…
Metalocalypse: The Adult Swim show about the biggest, most popular metal band in the world (they have the 12 largest economy in the world). This tongue deeply implanted in cheek look at the world of super stardom and obsessed fandom, is best watched with the subtitles on, since some of the characters are foreign and their “Englishes is nots sos goods”. Plus the song lyrics are a scream…most literally.
The Power Puff Girls: Three words…Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup.Shows that barely got a moment on TV, but are fun little one season wonders:
Top of the list is of course, wait for it….
Firefly: The perfect Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse) Space Western. This show is so popular among its rabid fans (see anyone working at Reckless) that they got a movie made of the show, Serenity.The TV show is sharp, witty, poignant, fun and apparently way ahead of its time.
Defying Gravity: They were just getting a full head of steam on this space trip with its odd mysterious room and characters that looked like they could have really taken off. It ended all too soon for my likes, but the short ride is really enjoyable.
Wonderfalls: For a show that got cancelled brutally early, this ends fairly well. A disaffected twenty something works in a Niagara Falls gift shop, and is spoken to (ala Joan of Arc) by inanimate objects that goad her into becoming a better person. Funny, human, and charming this show should be on everyone’s must see list.
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: This is the “next” show by West Wing creator Aaron Sorkin (see Sports Night, pre-West Wing and really entertaining even if you hate Sports like I do) Studio 60 came out at the same time as 30 Rock and was also about a late night comedy show. Studio 60 is a darker hour long show. 22 not to be missed episodes.These are only a few of the TV shows that you can get hooked on here at Reckless. Remember that when you buy a movie pass, you can rent two older TV shows for one movie pass. (A great deal when you get hooked on Buffy, trust me)
Reckless Reviews - Zoe
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